We decided to take HERSHOT! Around the world this year and we are excited about all the possibilities! Our NYC crew of girls are partnering with girls in Spain, New Orleans, Kenya, and Jamaica, just to name a few. Just like every other year, we will be creating visual stories together while learning about photography and videography from leaders in the industry.
Documentary Filmmaking!
Creative Writing and More!
2022 HERShot! Teaching Artists
Don is an Emmy-Award winning Producer and Storyteller & Crystal is a Media Teaching Artist and Producer
Nataki Alexander-Hewling has worked as a Photo Professional for over 20 years as a Photo Researcher, Editor, and Photographer. She founded HERShot after working as a Photography Teaching Artist for two years within various organizations. Nataki wanted to create a safe and creative space for young girls to express themselves through visual storytelling. She hopes each participant not only learns to visually tell their stories and the stories of others, but she hopes that they will each walk away with a new skill set that will help them get closer to their goals, academically and professionally.
Email — natakihewlingphotography@gmail.com
Phone — 718-208-0872
HERShot! is made possible in part by a DCA Grant from Staten Island Arts, with public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Please send a short paragraph about why you are interested in being a part of HERShot and what you will contribute. Please send to natakihewlingphotography@gmail.com along with your contact information (Full Name, best contact phone number, email, school, and age). The DEADLINE is March 5th. We look forward to hearing from you. GOOD LUCK!